Square jaw correction procedure, incisions are made inside the mouth with the use of an endoscope and an operating saw.
Not only will the angular jawbone be resected, but the operated area as well will be resected to create a natural looking curve.
It is important to remove the bone in a crescent shape, for it produces the best contours, and it also helps to reduce bleeding after surgery.
Since the degree of protrusion varies with each person, X-ray and CT scans are required to estimate the shape and size of the bone to be resected.
Not only will the angular jawbone be resected, but the operated area as well will be resected to create a natural looking curve.
It is important to remove the bone in a crescent shape, for it produces the best contours, and it also helps to reduce bleeding after surgery.
Since the degree of protrusion varies with each person, X-ray and CT scans are required to estimate the shape and size of the bone to be resected.